Sarasota. FLA – Dealers United, the first service to leverage the buying power of single-point and family-owned dealerships, today introduced their new service to help battle against a growing surge of conglomerates in the industry. The concept is simple: be the conduit for single-point dealerships to negotiate better terms and prices with vendors and bring costs down through volume purchasing.
Dealers United is the brainchild of HomeNet Automotive Founder Jesse Biter and Sarasota Ford Dealer Principal Matt Buchanan. With Biter coming from the vendor side and Buchanan from the dealership side, the owners share a vision of a service that preserves single-point dealerships from extinction; while giving approved vendors the opportunity to present their solution to a massive group of dealerships.
“From 2000 to 2009, dealer groups with over 20 stores grew by 64 percent while the rest of the industry fell by 28 percent,” said Buchanan. “As an industry we’re facing the reality of a business fueled by dealership chains at the expense of family-owned businesses. Our goal with Dealers United is to protect single-point dealers by leveling the playing field.”
Dealers United will act as the voice for single point dealerships while giving vendors with superior product offerings the ability to market to a highly-targeted group. Acting as the community’s liaison, Dealers United will interview vendors about what makes them unique from their competitors and introduce the hand-selected vendor to members. The members will then “tip” a discount from the vendor into action when enough of the dealerships sign up to receive the product or service at a substantial discount.
When asked what products Dealer United will focus on first, Biter replied: “That’s not up to us, that is up to our dealers. I’ve been in this business for 19 years now and if there is one thing I know, it’s that dealers know what they need more so than any outside party.” Biter continues, “However, I do know vendors. I know how to negotiate the best prices (especially when buying in bulk), I know how to determine the good ones from the bad and I know how to ensure the terms and conditions, including a service level agreement, are all favored toward the dealer.”
To become a member of Dealers United, please visit and click on the “Sign up Now” button at the bottom of the page. There is no cost associated with becoming a member.
About Dealers United:
Dealers United is the first service to leverage the buying power of single-point and family-owned dealerships, compliment their business services through the vetting of vendors and act as a conduit for smaller stores to compete with conglomerates. As single-point dealers die off in the face of dealer group take-overs, it’s imperative to bring members together to build strong relationships, negotiate terms and pricing with vendors on par with larger groups and stand united. For more information on Dealers United, please visit www.Dealers