Call for proposals for the upcoming Digital Dealer Conference & Expo (October 14-15, 2025, Las Vegas) are now open!
The deadline to submit a proposal #DDCE2025 is April 1, 2025. Accepted speakers will be notified on April 21, 2025. Please follow this link to complete the submission form.
Digital Dealer invites interested speakers to submit a speaking proposal during our call for proposals. For Automotive Leaders the conference is for looking for dealership personnel from all departments, OEMs, associations and seasoned automotive consultants and trainers. For out of industry experts that include marketing, advertising and digital-savvy professionals in cutting-edge technology, emerging trends and techniques applicable to automotive, and professionals with proven expertise in sales and management.
What We Look For
Elise Wyatt, conference producer, Digital Dealer, said conference leaders are looking for brand new, unique and fresh topics (no recycled/outdated), built around the most up-to-date data, trends, and proven approaches to help dealerships solve pain points or tap into new growth opportunities.
DDCE2025 call for proposals is seeking two types of sessions.
Briefing Sessions: 25-minute workshops designed to provide updates and essential industry or timely marketing information. These sessions will be held on October 14, 2025. Think TEDTalk Style delivery and content.
Building Sessions: A 90-minute interactive workshop focusing on collaborative and engaging group work. These sessions will take place on October 15, 2025. These sessions MUST be thoroughly outlined with educational and interactive components to be considered. (Examples of the session interactivity must also be outlined or documents shared in your submission.)
Key Requirements for Submitting a Proposal
The reason Digital Dealer puts so much emphasis on how speakers write their takeaways/learning objectives is to strongly encourage them to think deeply about the session they are delivering. Digital Dealer sessions are top of- the-line in terms of content, delivery, and applicability for the learner.
Session participants evaluate sessions positively or negatively according to how much they can use the information in their day-to-day work. The criteria being used for applications include:
- Sessions must be entirely new and presented for the first time at Digital Dealer. Presenters may not repeat content that has been presented before.
- Only educational and non-promotional sessions are permitted. Promotional content related to an individual’s product, company, and/or services violates the conference’s “no-pitch” policy.
- Incomplete proposals will not be accepted. All requested information and materials (Teaser Video, Headshot Photo, etc.) listed on the proposal document are required to be submitted together.
- Session details, as well as information and materials for all presenters (headshot, bio), must be 100 percent finalized and included in the proposal submission. Sessions are selected based on the content as well as the speaker’s presentation skills, background, and expertise. Presenter or session content changes will not be accepted after a proposal has been submitted.
Session Development
The primary goal of Digital Dealer education sessions is the attendee’s learning experience rather than a showcase for your ideas, products, and services. Speakers will gain exposure to those things by providing something tangible for participants to take away.
The more you can put yourself in their place in developing your session, the better your chances will be of being selected and receiving positive feedback from attendees.
Wyatt offered that when developing your proposal submission, make sure the content is informative and relevant, with clear and immediate application to the learner’s work. Consider including interactive or hands-on methods to support learning within the conference session framework.
How you plan to deliver your session is as important as the content. Give a detailed methodology in your application. Even if you are a seasoned trainer or facilitator, spend some time researching and practicing some of the key strategies for facilitating learning. Please note that slides and any supplemental materials will be provided electronically via the conference app and online. Your cooperation in providing these in a timely manner will be essential. Attendee experience is enhanced when speakers provide access to their presentation and materials electronically
For more detailed guidance on terms and conditions for speaking engagements, please review the CFP Guide here.
Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.