AutoLoop Launches DealAlert to Help Auto Dealers Reach Higher Sales Goals, Fund Contracts Faster and Manage Deals More Efficiently, from AutoLoop.
CLEARWATER, FL – April 13, 2015 – AutoLoop, LLC, a leading provider of auto industry marketing and customer relationship management solutions, today announced that it has added the DealAlert mobile application to its comprehensive lifecycle marketing suite.
The industry’s first real-time deal management app, AutoLoop DealAlert delivers up-to-the-minute deal information right to a dealer’s phone within seconds of a request. The app keeps dealers on top of every transaction and helps identify any snags in the sales process before they become major issues.
“We’re very excited to add this unique tool to our already powerful software suite,” said AutoLoop CEO Steve Anderson. “With DealAlert, we’re giving dealers the ability to track sales from start to finish, view all pending deals in their DMS and watch transactions in real time, all the way through accounting.”
According to Anderson, DealAlert eliminates the need for outdated manual reports and nightly recaps, providing real-time notifications of transaction events as they happen. “By contrasting real-time unit and gross profit tracking against budgeted units and profit tracking, dealers can get a complete picture of their sales at that moment,” he said. “They also have immediate access to deals, units and gross for any day or month.”