4 Tips to Supercharge Your Buy Here Pay Here Sales Training Program, from NCM Institute.
Is your Buy Here, Pay Here (BHPH) sales training lousy? That is the cleaned up version of what I hear from most dealership owners and managers when I ask how they would rate their overall sales training program.
The good news is that this is one of the quicker and easier problems to fix in your dealership and I am going to give you the tools to implement a very successful BHPH training program.
1. Hiring the Right Person
If I were sitting down with you in your dealership and implementing a long-term strategy for consistently attracting and hiring quality salespeople, we would spend a great deal of time on this subject before moving to anything else.
However, for the sake of this article, I will boil it down to this: quit begging people come to work for you! When we hire out of a classified ad, the majority of the respondents have very little sales skills and then we, compound the problem by conducting a lousy interview.